After the 2016 vote for Brexit, ferry travel has had to adapt. First and foremost, we recommend keeping taking a look at the official Government advice which can be found here.
The rules for pet travel have changed so always best to go with what the Government say which can be found here.
A ferry trip is a good way of getting your pet to Europe. In most cases, they will need to stay in your car although for some longer mini-cruises you are allowed to have them in your cabin.
As ferry operators can change their terms around this at a moments notice, it is always best to check the current policy for your chosen provider before you push the ‘book’ button.
An EHIC card is essential if you are visiting the UK.
It is advisable to have health insurance whether you are going outbound from the UK to Europe or are inbound to the UK from Europe.
The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get state healthcare in Europe if required or for free. If you have a EHIC card, you will be covered until the date of expiry. GHIC or and existing EHIC does not cover travel to:
For these, you will need travel insurance with health cover. To get a GHIC, you can apply on the NHS website.
All this and the other points above are covered on the Government website, further links below.